Thursday, January 01, 2004

Hiii~~~ Wassup ya all... hahaha... wah on the first day of the year then i update uh... hahaha... new start right? nyways just wanna recap... last i updated was on the 3 december... hahaha about a month i've not been updating... hahaha... nyways the year 2003 was quite fun i can say... very memorable... hahaha... cant forget the memories i had... i hope... hahaha... but now is 2004... planning to start a new and all that... i've made some promises to myself and i'm gonna keep em... hahaha... yeh... anyways... last night i went out to celebrate the last day of 2003 with my cousins and friends... we danced and fooled around... some got drunk... then it was about time we headed home... but before that we sat down under a block and just talked nonsense.. haha... quite fun uh... anyways... nothing much have been happening lately in my life... nothing much... but there is something things that happened uh... hahaha... anyways i'm dead tired.... i really enjoyed myself... the songs that were played were all techno... the dj was a techno freak... but we just danced... hahaha... until we were really tired... my legs were aching all over... anyways later i'm going to style my hair... hahaha i dont know how... but just gonna style it... maybe give myself a new look and all that... hahaha... so yup... thats about all uh...

To ARIE WANDIE GHALID MUSTAFA FARHAN... happy new year my broz!! have a wicked 2004... study hard... play harder!! hahaha... take kare guyz...

Rash... same message goes to you!! you've always been supporting me!! thanx... and now its my turn to do the same for you!! hehehe... so happy new year!!

To all my friends and people who visit my blog... 2004 is a new year... start a new... dont dwell on the past... move on!! have a grand fantastic new year!!

birthdays coming soon!! hahaha... oh gosh... cate's bday coming up first...!!
Muhd fooled you on 1/01/2004 07:07:00 AM.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Its wednesday today... hmmm... not much has happened actually... well lets see.... on monday i went out with my friendsn to jln jln raya... everyone looked great in their clothes.... lots of nice colours.... i was wearing white... whitelighter... teeheehee.... hahaha... then we went to around 10 houses... quite alot uh... then after that the rest all went home... and me wandie arie and ghalid sat down to eat in front of mac donalds until 2 plus in the morning... i got home... called mus and talked till 4 am... then snoozed on to tuesday.... i woke up at 215 and had to meet the guys at 3... in front of cheers... i rushed out after bathing and all that... i didnt even have time to eat my breakfast... so when i got there farhan and arie still had not arrived yet... we met a few of our schoolmates... then finally we walked around century square before heading on to sim lim to look for my ps2... there was a shop sleeing it for 260... but it was a second hand set uh... hmmm... yeh.... so wandie got himself a new headphone which has a very nice sound.... then we went to meet ghalid at the banquet... sat and ate there then went to town.... then i saw her.....

me and ghalid wanted to buy something from kfc.... so we went inside uh... so then i saw her... she was serving the counter i was suppose to be queing in.... so then i was shy uh... so like just smiled at her jer... then after we got our food... we walked off... sat at youth park to eat.... we were very hungry.... hahaha... though we had already eaten at the banquet... after aeating we played with ice... then arie's nose got hit by it... it was very very funny.. but luckily he was ok... then after eating me and ghalid wanted to go back to kfc to see that girl... luckily she was still there... so we bought something... just to talk to her uh... hahaha... then i asked ghalid to ask her... so then he started talking to her... we found out she was 16... so then i asked ghalid to ask for her number uh... then she gave.... weeee~! so happy sey... been smsing her since yesterday.... wow... hahahaha... hmmm... so then when we were going home... we saw another girl... then i asked ghalid to go talk to her... he did... but she was 20... so... ghal just ended up being friends with her... i went back to ghal's house... then just relaxed there... sat around played a few games... talked here and there... then went home at 3 am... i slept at 4 and woke up just now... i have to get ready now... i wanna go meet ghalid... we're going to play soccer... so anything just contact me on my mobile.... so bye bye.... hehehe...
Muhd fooled you on 12/03/2003 01:08:00 PM.

Monday, December 01, 2003

Holy shit... its been what.... 4 days of not updating my blogger? hahaha... whoa... thats reallll long eh?
well lets see...

recalling from what i last remembered....

thrusday.... didnt do anything much... went visiting.. came back home about 11 guess...

friday... went to watch a movie... duplex... simply hilarious... gonna catch it again... anyone wanna watch it? call me along... teeeheehee.

saturday did nothing much... just chatted on msn almost the whole day... a few relatives came by... and then went to mus's open house... with wandie and arie~ we just stayed and talked... made jokes... took photos... and all that... hehehe... uh huh... was very fun... went to burger king to eat... then sat down to tell spooky stories... hehehe.... it was great.... real fun...

on sunday went to arie's after searching for a ps2 at parkway parade... went there with my dad and wandie... so then we ate.. chat... just relaxed around... sulaimi was there... we played with a 'flamethrower'... i got burnt... shant tell you where... ish... rite wandie??? hehehe... hmmmm.... so then headed home... my cousins came over... i watched finding nemo... again...then i have been online ever since hmm yup...

tmr is quite a big day... going out with my friends... hmmm yup... then we're planning to sit down somewhere after that to waste the nite away... on tuesday we're going to youth park... to go to the shack... like we did last week... lolx.... then on thursday we're going to..... SENTOSA.... hehehe... weee.... yup... gonna enjoy ourselves there... hehehe... yup yup... then on sat we're gonna catch a movie.... quite busy eh? hehehe... yup can say uh... so nyways... just drop by k? if there's anything you want ring me up~! chao now... take kare now bye bye then....

Muhd fooled you on 12/01/2003 12:43:00 AM.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

here's a thought... never hate someone too much.. or you'll end up loving 'em......

aint it quite true? nyways... i couldnt sleep.... so decided to drop by my blogger... today was quite a nice day. it was fun and all that... nyways... hope my other friends had the same experience too.... nyways... played with my baby brother... i think he knows me..... lol.... he smiles whenever i play with him... wait dont all babies do that? lol... yeh.... hmm... oh well... tomorrow will be a promising day i hope.... people coming over..... ooooooo... hehe.... nyways... gonna go now...... chaoz~!
take kare~! slamat hari raya~!

"...the phoenix all torn and tattered... he feels that he has been stripped of his pride... but he will has returned... and he will gain it... all over again... and he will stop at nothing...."
Muhd fooled you on 11/26/2003 04:18:00 AM.

Monday, November 24, 2003

Jack H|deosH|

Wishes all muslims across the world a Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri...I'm taking this oppurtunity to ask for your forgiveness to those that i may have offended during my time with you... I've made a lot of sins... Through Joking or maybe scolding but i do hope to be forgiven.... Any food or drinks taken during my time at your place especially to arie... hope makanan tu smua di Halalkan... to wandie... thanks for all those time that we have shared... be it happy or sad... i couldnt have shared it with anyone better.... to ghalid... thx for all your advises and your compant... to msu and farhan.... no man in this world could ask for a better bro than you too.... both of you are unique in your own ways... but you both are always there to help me out in times of need... to my j broz... a slamat hari raya.... maafkan kesilapan ku....

To my cousins... Hadi and Abdillah... Slamat Hari raya... maaf zahir dan batin.... harap halalkan makan minum yang telah haziq tumpang di rumahmu.... silap bahasa pun juga harap di maafkan...

To fasihah... hehehe i've said it to you already....

to all my friends.... i still havent not forgotten about you....Hasmah, Joanna, amir, izzad, Juliana, izmal, hafiz, nazir, aini, suhana, ain, Fazlinda, Linah, saleem, faliq, khairul, faizal, aleem, scola, rashidah, hazirah, maznah,Shazana,Radiah, Liana,Fatimah, Elly, Nadia, Sabariah, Sulaimi, and faezah.... lets still keep in touch.... slamat hari raya to all...

Finally.... Ku menyusun sepuluh jejariku ingin dan ingin mohon ampun jika tersilap bahasa... atau tersalah chat, sms ataupun pun gurau...harap tidak menyimpan dendam atau apa apa pun... this goes to all of you~! hahaha.... so have a wicked hari raya and peace to all...

"...and the phoenix asked for his sins to be forgiven... cause to live is to forgive and forget......"
Muhd fooled you on 11/24/2003 08:41:00 PM.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Today was quite wicked.... i had nothing to do... guess i've tasted boredom again.... i really had nothing to do... i tried playing games.... but my comp didnt have any more space... tried playing it on my Ps but majority of the games i had were spoilt... man i almost wanted to fall asleep the whole day but i resisted it.... but then... i fell asleep after buka... while i was watching... Mr deeds.... again.... see how bored i was~! and anyways... the whole day.... i was waiting to chat with this someone... and she came in at that time.... while i was asleep.... man i feel like an idiot... I've hit my head with my fist countless times now.... i feel so angry with myself... the whole day.... i waited for her to be inside msn.... and when she was.... i was snoozing~! aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh....seriously... it sucked.... nyways... i hope she comes back in... i really really miss her.... alot.... haiz.... guess i'll wait for her.... for all my eternity....

"...the only time when the phoenix had to nap... was when the phoenix missed another angel...he was so frustrated with himself that he burnt himself wth his own anger...nevertheless... he'll wait again... for all of his eternity..."
Muhd fooled you on 11/23/2003 08:13:00 PM.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

It was a perfect chance wasted....

Things today could be described in one word.... Awesome~!.... hahahaha... yep... i went out with two other phoenixes... arie and wandie... and mus and farhan... ghalid couldnt make it.... he had no money.... everyone had money just enough for themselves... we went to eat at puncak... then we went about town.... it was Crazeeeeeeee... hahahaha.... so we walked about... went to borders... went to taka.... haiz.... there were countless eurasian girls.... and most of em had very sweet sweet faces.... hai.... took my breath away.... hahahahaha..... then we went to youth park.... then i saw an angel.... she was soooooooo B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L~! she was dancing with her friends... guess they were from modern dance.... but from the looks of it... she seemed older... yup yup.... hahaha... nyways... that was one of the highlights of the nite.... the other one was.... Me and da j's played with.... guess what.... HELIUM... hahahaha... we all had a good laugh.... our voices became tiny and high.... but now my throart sorta hurts.... guess its the side effect... hahahahahaha.... you should try it... its actually fun... hahahaha.... nyways.... tonight was great.... 3 more days to raya.... hahahaha.... life seems to be ok.... i guess its because someone had said something sweet to me when i chattted with her thats why my day turns out fine... hehehe... hmm yup... so thats all there is for today.... bye bye~!

"...the phoenix was met up with two other of his kind... both were different in their ways.... but he knew that this were friends in his life.... no... they were his brothers.... they will be the ones that will share his sorrow and pain and joy and laughter...he knew that in this world... you can never conquer anything alone..."

The pain in my heart i can feel no more
When i saw her on the dancing floor
Both eyes were mesmerized
then i think we saw each other, eye to eye
but it was too dark i couldnt see clearly
but from the looks of it she was older then me

Muhd fooled you on 11/22/2003 11:47:00 PM.

"...and the phoenix took some time alone...away from the others...he had many secrets to confide in...his heart growing with this pain...the only way to overcome such anguish is for him to get her again...and since he had all of time...he'll wait for her for his eternity..."
Muhd fooled you on 11/22/2003 01:07:00 PM.

Out of the ashes came a soul of pure fire, yet its warmth never burnt anyone pho
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal. "And The Phoenix's cycle had reached zenith, so he consumed himself in fire.He emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum(Egyptian). The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,the number 0, and the element of fire. His sign is the eclipsed sun. As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have a way of looking at going through life as a journey that you can constantly learn from.Phoenixes are the best friends to have because they cheer people up easily.

The Phoenix: Jack H|deosH| M|lano
Burned on: 28th Feb '87
In love wiTh: Lots of girls... I mean Only One...
Loves: Amy Lee's Voice... Watching Tv and movies... Going out... Doing fun things... fun fun fun... Charmed~! Phoebe Halliwell *winks*~! Anything that has to do with magic~! Myths and Legends are my favourite~!
His life is:Currently quite wonderful... its getting filled with more and more people who are very sweet and caring
Guys:Wandie,Arie,Farhan,Mus,Ghalid,JJ,Asri,Izzad,Rob Thomas,Jim Carrey,Adam Sandler,Ben Stiller,Johnny Depp,Orlando Bloom
Ladies:Fasihah,Hasmah,Rashidah,Hazirah,Maznah,Joanna,Linah,Mrs.Cate,Aini,Ain,Suhana,Amy Lee,Bridgette Wilson,Ase Wang,Cameron Diaz,Alyssa Milano

Indulge yourself not only in my fire...but others too

ThE Lightened side of me
My Fav Band
CatE'03 a.k.a WanDiE
Me OlD wEbBy
4e1 2003
MrS CaTe'03
CaTe'03 bLoGgEr
NuRuL AiNi
Just Me

The Sacred Conversation